This strategy improved golf putting performance in a controlled trial with 50 “participants”, anyway. The group who “slept low” (by having low carbohydrate evening meals after hard afternoon training sessions) improved their endurance cycling and running performance by several percent more than the control group, who had the usual high-carbohydrate meals. Endurance athletes need carbohydrate to replenish glycogen stores, but it’s better not to consume the carbohydrate immediately after training. Alas, the subject matter is also dangerous, especially for us Koreans who, let’s admit it, are simply not good at handling multi-cultural and multi-lingual settings or characters. Maybe there are too many masters and PhD students doing too many seemingly pointless projects, but if their projects teach them about research and get them to a conference as good as ECSS, then it’s all worthwhile. The mini-orals are a good compromise to give as many researchers as possible the opportunity to present their work in a chaired setting. We imagine an app that provides a key-word search of e-posters, mini-orals or podium presentations, and from the hits you text or email the lead author directly via the conference wifi. The chosen time would appear in the hit when delegates do key-word searches of the e-posters or mini-orals or searches of author names.
Are you all happy if we use first names in this session? An elite male hurdler who took a seven-step run-up to the first hurdle instead of the usual eight performed worse. For the first time this year there is a separate ECSS conference report on all the aspects of exercise science and medicine not directly related to athletes. The coupling between perception of effort and pacing develops around age 10 in children and requires familiarization trials at any age (although the speakers did not make enough of this point, and it seems to be under-researched). A difference in significance between an experimental and control group does not necessarily mean a significant difference, so it’s unclear whether the significant 13% increase in strength after one week of vitamin D supplementation in 11 judo athletes was really different from the non-significant unstated change in the placebo group. An addition to my recent “neutrino muddle” paper, showing in detail the difference between spin waves and field waves. I show why, and begin a full analysis of Maxwell’s displacement field.
Various drugs acting on the central nervous system can uncouple effort and pace, usually resulting in impaired performance, but the dopamine reuptake inhibitor Ritalin enhances endurance performance in the heat apparently by allowing the subjects (trained men) to reach a higher core temperature at the point of fatigue. Core stability assessed with various measures of “lumbo-pelvic control” is associated with 2-3× lower risk of knee injury in collegiate athletes and less time lost due to injury in baseball pitchers. 0.61, a 39% lower risk of injury). In a mini-oral presentation, ischemic preconditioning of the lower limbs enhanced mean (?) power in repeated sprints by 2.3% in a crossover with 14 males recreationally active in various repeated-sprint sports. Ischemic preconditioning as a warm-up strategy appears to improve performance in activities with a substantial aerobic contribution, but how best to apply this strategy? Here is our pick of the most exciting or innovative original research (in their order in the report): stretch to improve explosive power; delay carbohydrate replenishment by “sleeping low”; monitor heart-rate variability after a submaximal test; put bigger wheels on your mountain bike; add mentally fatiguing tasks to training sessions; and stimulate muscles to prevent cramp (maybe). There may have been some contribution from low-intensity morning training sessions, which the sleep-low group performed before recharging with carbohydrate.
The Huppert/Anne triptych begins with an Anne who is a French film director visiting a fellow South Korean director, Jong-soo (Kwon Hae-Hyo, the only character along with Huppert who has not been in a previous Hong film). It seemed the most propitious place for a formidable defense, there being only few roads through otherwise impassable swamps. When a FIP entry is made, there will be continuous matching of the CPIC files, including FIP, and the individuals in CFRS. Invites to the Legacy party will be at the printer soon? Athletes might perform motor tasks more effectively under pressure if they are told to treat the sense of pressure or arousal as a natural response and a challenge rather than a threat. Q99 Clive Efford: To push you on that a little bit, do you have the statistics to show that women would rather do group classes than individual exercise? Not in this study: if anything, performance in a 20-km time trial was a little slower (by 0.5%) following 4 wk of supplementation with beta-alanine compared with placebo in a randomized controlled trial with 19 national-level cyclists.